What My Excuse For Not Going Out Really Means (2)

5. I’ll meet you there in a half an hour.

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Aka: I definitely won’t be out tonight.

Once your friends leave the house you can go straight back to shutting off the lights and getting back in bed, because there’s not a shot in hell that you’re going to walk up there alone.

4. I’m way too tired.


Aka: Watching a movie sounds way better than being around you.

If the plans aren’t that exciting then why waste an outfit?

3. I’m working on my resumé.

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Aka: I have blogs to catch up on and funny videos to see.

Sure, you should be working on applying to jobs and doing other big kid things, but you’re probably just in bed on Tumblr.

2. I have to work.


Aka: I’m so broke that I actually picked up a weekend shift.

This is the excuse that kills you a little bit inside every time you say it. Odds are you’re actually working, which is even worse than just not wanting to go out.

1. *No text back.*

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Aka: I’m over everyone and everything, and there’s no possible way I’m leaving my bed.

Sometimes the best excuse is just not to have one. Your friends will thank you for not using a fake excuse, and you’ll get to do exactly what you want for the night. It’s a win-win!

So there you have it! Everyone needs a days off every once and a while, so when your friend gives you an excuse why he or she doesn’t want to go out, don’t push it. Unless, that is, it’s half-price margarita night, then you drag them off their couch no matter how bad they don’t want to go. They’ll thank you later.

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