An image of a teenage kid hitting a bong in his hospital bed has been circulating the web with the meme’d caption, “When the doctor says you only have 1 hour to live.” The photo is hilarious in itself and the accompanying inscription for the picture makes it even better. The photo went viral on Waka Flocka’s Facebook, getting over 500,000 likes–but the question of how the hell this dude managed to pull this stunt off is still unanswered. Waka Vision caught up with Luke, a dirtbike fanatic from Australia who is credited for this move. Here is what he had to say:

Waka Vision: How the hell did you get the bong into the hospital?

Luke: One of my mates came in with it in his bag an no one was around or in the room so I put the curtain up and held the smoke in after I ripped it haha.

Waka Vision: What were you in the hospital for? And did smoking help relieve whatever pain you were in?

Luke: I had a broken knee from a dirtbike accident, and yeah it helped a little, haha.


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