12 Thoughts You Have When You’re Behind Slow Walkers

Many people throughout the world walk. We walk to the bus stop as young children on our way to school, we walk on college campuses to our classes, and we walk through the mall when hanging out with friends.

For fast walkers, though, we don’t like going out in public and getting stuck behind people. If you’re in the mall and your friend calls you to tell you that your car is get repossessed you are most likely walking fast. Then, you come to the group of friends that are walking in a horizontal line blocking up the whole walk way. They are strolling along and taking their time and there is no way for you to get around them. If you are the person stuck behind the slow walkers these may be a few thoughts that you have while walking behind them:

12) “Why do bad things happen to good people?”


11) “I can fit through there!”

10) “I’m so aggravated right now!”


9) “Why were you even born?!”


8) “Are you not aware of the rest of the world?”


7) “Maybe I should enjoy the view.”


6) “Can you please move!”


5) “Do you not have anything to do?”


4) “Many people are thinking about hitting you.”


3) “What are they doing?!”


2) “I wish someone would tell them to move.”


1) “Are you f*cking serious?! MOVE!!!”

If you’re a slow walker and do it on purpose than you should talk to someone about your habit of pissing people off daily. If you find yourself walking slow by accident, it’s okay, just move to the side so no one curses you out. We still love you, but we just want you to move out of the way.

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