14 Struggles of Being Friends With A Flaky Person (4)

3) They don’t see themselves the way you do- A lot of flakes don’t realize that you think they are unreliable and don’t keep their word. Sometimes, they aren’t aware that they are flaky. Having a flaky personality is just one of their traits and they think the way they act is normal. This can be confusing for anyone that is friends with them because they think they are normal while you think there’s an issue.

flake no

2) They don’t know how to say “no”- Maybe this flaky friend is a sweetheart that finds it hard to say no to people. If this is the case you should try to let them plan dates and hang outs. It’s fine if they do this, there’s nothing wrong with you, but after awhile it becomes aggravating because they always cancel hangouts because it’s too hard for them to say no.


1) You forget their name-After they’ve cancelled all your plans, stood you up at dinner and the movies, didn’t return your texts or phone calls, and only want to hang out once a year you forget their name, and maybe even what they look like. They are always so “busy” that they can’t make time for you and leave hanging by yourself.

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