Thoughts Everyone Has Their First Week of College (3)

Day 6: “Well I have class at 10 so I’ll leave at 9:56″
The first few days of class everyone gets there fifteen minutes early but it will only take a few days of this until you won’t want to do it anymore . Half the time your professors won’t even get to class two minutes before class is scheduled to start so why should you? Those 8ams are really going to show you just how quickly you can get ready in the morning without being late.
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Day 7: “I love college.”
You’re finally getting to take classes you actually like, you’ve most definitely made friends that you’ll have forever, you’ve gotten to be in control of yourself for the last week… And you absolutely love it. It may have been a little bit of a bumpy road to get here but looking back on the last week, there isn’t anything you would do differently.
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