Toga Is Taking Over College Campuses, And You Need To Join The Party

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“What’s going on tonight?” asked every college student ever. With so much happening on any given night, keeping up can be hard.  Until now. Enter Toga, the new app that is changing the social scene for students across the country. Toga adds in all of the fraternity parties, sorority philanthropy events, sports games, important academic dates, and the hottest events happening around campus onto one easy-to-use feed.  Essentially, it’s a student’s social calendar in the palm of their hand. Now, not only can students find out what’s happening tonight and this weekend, but they can also plan for the entire semester. The days of relying on friends for plans, missing out on the semester’s best parties, and double booking your Saturday nights are over. Toga puts your entire social calendar for the semester in one place. Curious what’s going on at other schools or planning a trip to visit a friend? Peek into calendars at colleges across the country and discover when and where the best events are happening nationwide. Since launching this semester, Toga is being used by over 500 fraternity and sororities with over 25,000 students across 450 campuses and is growing everyday. With events being added daily, you’ll never be bored again. Download the app now on the App Store: and here is version for Google Play:

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