Why It’s Totally Fine To Be Yourself (3)

9) You can be considered a “visionary” just by being yourself.  Some of the best inventions and discoveries came from people who stayed true to themselves and ignored the haters.  Don’t be afraid to add yourself to that list of visionaries!

8) You will develop a strong sense of courage.  Nobody ever said that being yourself was easy…it takes a strong backbone to do what you believe is good and just and what makes you happy.  You will come out the other side stronger than ever.

7) Nobody likes a faker!  You stand to lose more than you could ever gain if you walk around spitting out words you don’t believe.  Stick true to your heart or you might end up more lost than ever.

6) You will attract a group of people who will make your life so amazing.  By being yourself you eliminate people who might just be dragging you down.  It is okay to have people in your life with different goals and beliefs, but it is not okay to keep those who are fake or toxic.  So be yourself and kick the posers to the curb!


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