What Type Of Selfie Do You Take?

Here are the five types of selfies that I have noticed to most on social media.

1 The Mirror Shot- Throwback to the 8th grade when mirror shots were a thing, now it just gets uncomfortable when you’re scrolling through Instagram and stumble across one. Most of the times these selfies were taken they were of shirtless guys attempting to show off their muscles on Facebook.


2. Serious/Model Attempt Selfie- If you’re a girl you’ve definitely thought of taking one of these, or you have. Many girls try these, but only a small few can actually pull them off. Personally, I don’t really get why they don’t just smile, but hey, you do you.


3. “Look Ma No Hands” Selfie- Trust me you’ve seen these. These are the selfies that are full body or you can see both of the person’s hands. For some reason you can’t help but wonder who took the picture, or if they traveled back in time to 2007 and used self-timer.


4. Transformation Tuesday Selfie- This consists of two side-by-side selfies where one is current and the other one is slightly dated. It’ mostly a girl thing but there are a select few guys who download the pic-stitch app to create these works of art.


5. The Typical Smile Selfie- We’ve all taken them, you find the perfect lighting by the window and you feel like a model. Guys take these as well… Clearly they didn’t choose the selfie life, it chose them.


Honestly though, guys as much as you want to Instagram a picture of yourself, please refrain.

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