UCF Must-Do’s For Every True Knight (3)

5.) BurgerFi- Another solid choice in eats if you ever crave a solid burger. And, as I have found, you will always crave a solid burger.


4.) Zombie 5k- 600 runners, 200 zombies. Just as it sounds. Five kilometers of students running from other students dressed as zombies. It’s a good time.


Homecoming Week: 

3.) Universal Knights- When Universal Orlando is open only for UCF KnightsAnd did I mention, it’s FREE?!2kewl

2.) Spirit Splash- It’s known as the #1 college tradition for a reason. Join the student body at the Reflection Pond and race through the fountain for a collectible duck. Yes, a duck. It’s a barrel of crazy, fun awesomeness.

cool beans

1.) Stargazing- The Robinson Observatory hosts “Knights Under the Stars” events several times every few months.

So, is UCF

The answer is yes.


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