What Ned’s Survival Guide Would Look Like in College (2)

Moze starts to envy Lisa’s new sorority bond while eating lunch with all her friends. Meanwhile, Ned and Cookie cannot find a fraternity that works. Cue Montage: Ned and Cookie awkwardly trying to fit in at a mixer. Ned and Cookie attempting to shot gun two beers before vomiting. Ned getting a bunch of guys to lift Cookie up for a keg stand before he falls and knocks the keg over. Meanwhile, Moze is at a party with her volleyball team. She’s sitting alone until a fellow teammate walks over and invites her to join a game with everybody.

            Tip #2: If you’re on a sports team and can’t find time for a sorority or frat, make that team your sorority/frat. As long as you have a place you belong you’re doing the college experience right.


Ned and Cookie sit in the dining hall exhausted from rush week. They start looking at signs for clubs and sports teams, stating how they feel they don’t belong in a frat. As they are looking, an upperclassman in a fraternity jacket approaches them. Cookie says they tried all the frats already, but the upperclassman says his frat wasn’t at rush week. He explains how he belongs to an engineering frat, and Cookie gets really excited.next

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