When Your Roommate is Your Best Friend (2)

9. You share everything with each other


Food, clothes, posters, pencils, scissors, blankets, more food, and more clothes. Everything suddenly becomes communal. You really follow the idea that whatever is mine is yours and it’s amazing because you get twice of everything. There is a common understanding though that if you want the last piece of food, you text each other and warn the other person not to eat it.

8. You bicker like you’re an old married couple 


Of course you’re going to get annoyed with each other, you’re with each other 24/7. You will argue about the pettiest of things and then completely forget what happened 5 minutes later. Then you’ll go back to cuddling and binge watching America’s Next Top Model.

7. You know each others schedules


You know when you both have classes, when each other’s office hours are, and when each other’s nap times are. If you’re in the dorm waiting and she isn’t there when she was supposed to be, you will text her immediately. And then you’ll remember that she told you she was going to the library to study for a midterm and you’ll calm down, but continue to miss her.next

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