Why A Seemingly Picture Perfect Life Can Wind Up Hurting You In The End (2)

A good portion of people don’t experience life’s tragic gifts until much later on in life. This one’s for them. I’m actually quite envious of you, but at the same time, I pity you in a way. You don’t know what it’s like to cry yourself to sleep, wonder how you’ll make it through another day, wonder if the feeling will ever go away, or want it all to just be over yet. You’ve never wanted nothing more than to just stay in your bed all day and not come out. What makes me envious about you is quite simple: you haven’t hurt yet. What makes me pity you is that someday you will experience all of these feelings for some reason or another. How you’re going to deal with these feelings, I’m just not sure.

Learning tough life lessons early on in life provides you with the skills of coping and getting through pain and the knowledge that life does, in most cases, get better. Strength is conditioned in a person; a bodybuilder doesn’t just wake up one day and lift 500 pounds. Strength is something that is built upon and practiced. If you’ve never been hurt, yes that is great for the moment, but when you’re suddenly 25 and going through things that you never imagined ever being possible, you won’t have the strength to deal with your demons. Of course we want to live the happiest lives that we can with the least amount of grief possible but when you find yourself in an unfamiliar whirlwind of emotions and unfortunate things start happening to you left and right, I really hope you get back up. It’s so easy not to get back up when you’ve lived carefree for the entirety of your life. It’s so easy to lay down and surrender, but you have to stand up and keep moving forward.next


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