Why College is Harder than High School (3)

6. Balancing Social and Academic Endeavors

It is important to maintain a social aspect throughout your life, but in College you are more likely to be presented with many more opportunities to socialize. Whether it be at parties, club meetings or within your dorm, they will always be prevalent and it is your job to balance these social events with your academic aspirations. Not balancing these two segments of your life effectively can lead to overwhelming stress and unrealistic aspirations (socially and academically).

5. Lack of Privacy

More than likely you will have at least one roommate, if not two, that you will need to live with for the duration of the year. Although having roommate has many benefits, it takes away many private aspects of your life because you are sharing your living space with them. You cannot lock the door on them, like your did to your parents in High School, and it can be hard to get ‘me time’ in College. It takes awhile to get acclimated, but once you have it becomes pleasant.


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