Why It’s Better To Walk Away Than To Be Walked All Over

Why It's Better To Walk Away Than To Be Walked All Over
Be kind and always be the bigger person, even if it hurts. Learn why it's always better to walk away from tough situations than to be walked all over.

As a person who hates to disappoint people and always wants to keep the ones I love happy, I’ve always been the type of person who puts up with things that I shouldn’t. Sometimes walking away from toxic people and toxic situations is the best thing you can ever do for yourself. It’s easy to let those you love walk all over you when your main goal is to keep them happy, but you have to know when enough is enough. Learning to walk away and drop people from your life who no longer deserve you, cherish you, or appreciate you may be difficult, but sometimes it’s what has to be done in order to thrive.

When we let go of the disastrous baggage that comes along with having certain people overstay their welcome in our lives, we tend to become frustrated, discouraged, and sad about the relationships we carry with these people. We tend to blame ourselves for not doing enough to make them want to stay or even for the way that they’ve seemed to change. Blaming ourselves is the easiest thing we can do that can bear the most heartache and resentment on our hearts. When we blame things on ourself that isn’t our fault, it chips away at us piece by piece.

Once someone thinks that they have your heart, it’s easy for them to lose interest because it isn’t a game anymore. There’s no challenge of trying to keep you around because you’ve already allowed them full disclosure to your soul. The only person you’re hurting is yourself by staying with someone who thinks you’re their property or who takes you for granted. Too often you see family members think they can say whatever they want to a person they supposedly love because “family is family” and we’re required to put up with it. That’s not the case; drop anyone who doesn’t see that you deserve respect too, no matter what the relation. Friendships can typically be one sided relationships once one friend gets tired of the other or finds someone else to put up with them. They’ll break promises, dismiss plans made, and hurt you in ways that you never thought they would by taking advantage of the friendship you give to them since they swore you’d always be there. Relationships are the same way. “The power in all relationships lie in the hands of whoever cares the least.”



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