All The Women Think I Am Ugly Especially You.

Here are some reasons why I am SO ugly and why I will never Get Any Ladies. What do you think of me Women? Just because I am ugly you don’t want to date me. Women are the worst..

1. I have a crooked nose and look like Freddy, do you still want to date me? Obviously you women don’t!! Judgemental Freaks!!

Freddy Krueger animated GIF


2. I can’t talk to you properly and be myself because you think I am ugly. Why can’t you give me a chance? Women these days..


3. Now that all you WOMEN think I am ugly what am I suppose to do with myself? This goes for all the guys as well. How am I even suppose to come out of my dorm? Heck how can I even party?


4. I don’t know what the future entails, but the question is will WOMEN EVER DATE ME? Will I EVER EVEN BE ABLE TO GET MARRIED?

If you were as ugly as me what would you do? Would you be depressed and anxious all the time? Or would you accept it? Would you be able to function properly? Let’s face it no one wants to be ugly, but as a college student, I have to admit I am severly ugly, and I don’t get any women at all. Women hate me, and I am positive it is because I am ugly.

angel animated GIF

Growing up, everyone always talked about how ugly I was. Wait let me correct that statement, they still think I am ugly. It isn’t fun being ugly, walking down the streets is difficult. I can barely get out of my house because I am afraid of how ugly I am. I am afraid people will reject me, and they have already rejected me in the first place. I just want to be accepted and loved.

How would you like walking into your lecture hall being ugly? I see couples walking around campus and look at me, what should I do? Life is terrible, and my ugliness will never go away..


The ANTISOCIAL College Student

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