How To Be A Good Girlfriend In 2016

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‘Good girlfriend.’ I’ve heard and seen people use this phrase so many times, but what does it even mean? If you’re in a relationship with someone you love, shouldn’t you be good to them no matter what? The answer is yes. Assuming they are good to you too of course! Because why would you be with someone who isn’t good to you?

During my time spent as a ‘girlfriend,’ I have certainly not been the best. But neither has my boyfriend and that is fine. We are humans. We are not perfect. What I have learned in the past seven years though, is that being a ‘good girlfriend’ isn’t just about treating your partner right. In fact, it is so much more than that. It’s about treating yourself right while growing committed to someone else. That is how you be a ‘good girlfriend.’ That is how you be a good partner. If you follow these rules, no matter how imperfect you are, you will certainly be a good significant other.

Speak up about what you want and what you don’t want.

Don’t pretend you’re into certain things just because your significant other is. It will only hurt you in the future when they either find out you lied or when you completely lose your identity (and not in the credit card theft kind of way — like you lose yourself). If you don’t want kids, tell them. If you don’t want to go out, tell them. And if you end up having to do something you aren’t necessarily into (because #compromise), they’ll at least know how you feel and would be more willing to do something you want to do that they don’t in the future. That’s why you have to actually speak up about what you want too. Your significant other can’t read your mind.

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