Science Explains Why College Men Prefer Blondes

So, why?  Why is it that blondes demand this attention from men?  Well, the best reason we’ve seen lies in human evolution.  And yes, human evolution is behind nearly everything we humans do.

Marilyn turned heads

The main reason why men prefer blondes is hidden deep in our subconscious.  So deep, in fact, that we have no access to the reasoning, yet the reasoning has full access to us.

Pin up blonde from the 50s

Blonde women generally have light skin.  Light skin shows defects more easily than darker, more pigmented skin.  Thus, when choosing a mate, light skin gives us an advantage.  With one look, we can quickly determine if the blonde female has any diseases that are visible via the skin.  If a female mate has a disease that is visible through the skin, that disease could lead to infertility and that is a big no-no for reproduction.  Don’t forget folks, it’s all about fertility and reproduction.  Not to sound base, but there are only 2 things that matter in this world:  sex and eating.

“In summary, I suggest that gentlemen prefer blondes in order to enable them to detect the early signs of parasitic infestation [disease]and aging – both of which indirectly reduce fertility and offspring viability.” – Dr. V.S. Ramachandran

Marilyn bear attack

Another talked about reason why men prefer blondes is that they show signs of aging more easily.  Men are more attracted to women who are young (think fertile) than women who are old, so if a gal is giving men an easy way to decipher her age, they’re gonna like that.

“Again, I suggest that blondes might be preferred not only because the signs of aging occur earlier, but also because the signs are easier to detect in them.”Dr. V.S. Ramachandran

Marilyn "skied"

Thus, a blonde girl is a potential mate that can quickly be examined and cleared for many of the hideous diseases that have plagued humans over the millennia and we can check her age more easily at the same time.  Hence, men’s affinity for blonde women.  Does it work in reverse?  Do women prefer blonde men?  Probably.  And probably for the same reasons.

Marilyn love snow in downtown Chicago.

So now you know at least a little more about why blondes turn heads.  Thanks science.



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