To-Do List For a University of Alabama Football Game (2)

5. Don’t pregame too hard. If you’re actually interested into the game don’t get too drunk. You might end up passing out and missing all 4 quarters.

4. Don’t miss the Walk of Champions! If you want to see the wonderful players of this amazing Crimson Tide team then you need to go to the Walk of Champions. Might even get a glimpse of Nick Saban.

3. Eat before the game. It’s best to eat before the game whether it’s at home, the Ferguson, or at one of the tailgates. After the game traffic will be horribly, especially after a big game, and all the dining hall will either be closed or packed and who wants to wait in a long line?

2. If you’re watching the game from your dorm, prepare the day before. It’s going to be crowded on campus during game day. Most of the buses will not be running so you can’t go to any store off campus if you don’t have a car and your only choice is to go to the Publix which is very overpriced.

1. Make sure you tune in on the right channel. I have missed a whole quarter of a game one too many times because I was on the wrong channel. Make sure to find the right channel at least an hour before the game or else you’ll be pretty upset that you didn’t see one of the biggest games of the year.

And one more thing. Don’t forget to say….ROLL TIDE!!!!


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