10 Reasons Why Choosing Emerson College Was the Best Decision I Ever Made (2)

7. Live Out Your Disney Princess Dreams

Come on, what little girl hasn’t dreamt about living in a castle far away? For students interested in studying abroad, Emerson College offers the chance to make these dreams come true via the Kasteel Well program! Paying the same tuition as a semester in Boston, Emersonians can spend a semester in the quaint village of Well, The Netherlands, residing in a restored 14th century medieval castle (complete with not one, but TWO badass moats). Classes are arranged to run Monday-Thursday so students have the opportunity to visit other countries on their three day weekends. Of course, Emerson also offers a wealth of other education abroad programs, including stays in Spain, Greece, Prague, and France. But why pass up the chance to prove once and for all who the real queen of your friend group is?

6. While You’re At It, Live Out Your Hogwarts Fantasies, Too!

Realizing in my senior year of high school that my Hogwarts letter would never arrive was a heartbreak no amount of Ben and Jerry’s could cure. There went the wasted years of memorizing spells and sketching out wand diagrams… until a little place called Emerson College sent me mail advertising their highly competitive Quidditch program! Emerson Lions have the opportunity to play on the school’s official Quidditch team, adapted from J.K. Rowling’s famed Harry Potter series. Of course, if you’re like me and athletics isn’t exactly your thing, Emerson has a seriously amazing spread of other clubs and extracurriculars to get involved with, from our radio station WERS-FM to improv group This Is Pathetic. I may not be riding a broom 100 feet in the air, but you can bet each game I’m hiding in the bleachers, wrapped up in my Ravenclaw scarf and murmuring a counter-curse to protect our team.

5. Unique and Specific Majors

Nothing is more annoying than having to do extra work. But when you’re stuck in the type of generalized major most colleges offer, you’re bound to end up stuck with assignments and classes that have nothing to do with your specific dream job, chugging that double shot of espresso at 3 AM screaming “WHAT DOES THIS EVEN HAVE TO DO WITH MY FUTURE CAREER???” Not the case at good ol’ EC. Emerson is to college majors what hipsters are to music – oddly specific and ahead of the times. Sure, people on the outside might scoff at your B.A. in Writing for Film and Television or Investigative Theater for Social Change, but who cares? When I’m stuck chugging that double shot of espresso at 3 AM, I have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that my project’s getting me one step closer to finally becoming Amy Poehler.


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