10 Reasons Why Choosing the University of Iowa Was the Best Decision I’ve Ever Made (3)

4. I’ve come out of my shell, finally.


In high school I was a cheerleader. But a cheerleader that wasn’t very popular. I was shy, studious, and honestly, a little weird. Coming to the University has let me embrace my ‘inner weirdness’ and become who I really want to be. My friends and sorority sisters accept me and love me for who I am and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Life is too short to be acting like someone you’re not and unfortunately, that took me until December 2015 to realize that. Now, I’m my most genuine self, someone who loves wrestling, laughing, and having a good time with friends all while showing off my academic presence and loving my classes that are perfect for me.

3. Despite being in the middle of Iowa, we are one of the most diverse Universities.


I’ve always thought of Iowa as being one of the whitest, blandest states out there, and to a point I’m right. But when it comes to Iowa City we’re one of the most diverse college campuses. I’ve worked with students from China, Florida, New Mexico, California, Australia, and England. Those are just a few! Granted, most of the students here are from the suburbs of Chicago… ~lol tho~.

2. I’ve never been more happy anywhere else.


I grew up in a happy home and everything. But, here is where I truly get to be myself and show people what I’m passionate in and I’ve never been happier! I kind of hated high school, and I thought college would be the place where I escape all my insecurities and become who I really wanted to be. I still have some insecurities, but a lot of them have diminished and I’m finally accepted for who I am.

1. It’s Iowa City.


Iowa does have a reputation for being a huge party school, and to some degree I believe that. But it’s also a school that has plenty of culture, value on academics, and a sense of community. So, when people tell you that they hate Iowa City, it’s because they’re not taking advantage of all the different opportunities it has to offer.

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