10 Reasons Why Choosing the University of Iowa Was the Best Decision I’ve Ever Made (2)

7. It’s actually affordable for everyone!

capital building

The University of Iowa is one of the most affordable universities with all the scholarships, grants, and payment plans available to students. Right now, I haven’t taken out a single loan to pay for my college career. It’s all being payed for by scholarships, grants, and a little help from my parent’s college fund.

6. I’ve made lifelong friends here.


My entire life I’ve had to make friends over and over and over again because of the multiple moves my family made. But, that doesn’t make me an expert. It’s actually very hard for me to make friends. That was one of my biggest fears moving to Iowa City, that I wasn’t going to have any friends and in turn, not any motivation to even stay at college. Two days into the start of the school year, I had made a new group of friends that I call my ‘squad’ and will most likely be my bridesmaids one day. Iowa makes it easy to make friends by putting on this event called On Iowa! It’s basically two days to get to know some people and familiarize yourself with the campus. (Plus you get to be on the Kinnick field legally!)

5. The School Spirit is contagious.

how bout them hawks

Football season is one of my favorite times of the year, not just because of football, but the fact that EVERYONE goes to the games. No matter how the Hawks are doing that season, you are a diehard hawk fan and you know you have to get season tickets to every single home game and even make the trek to other schools just to see the beloved black and gold fill up the stadium. I’ve never been to a more energetic game, with fans cheering on the band and the players, you have to see it to believe it. Oh, and if you travel in Hawk gear, you’re bound to hear at least 3 “Go Hawks!” directed at you. For instance, I went to Arizona this past Christmas and everyday I wore something related to the U of I, my mother and I counted 25 different times someone yelled “Go Hawks!” in the 10 day span we were there. You never escape the love of the Hawks!

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