10 Reasons Starbucks Became My Best Friend In College (3)

4. Free Samples: If you stick around long enough, sometimes you’ll get to try out new barista’s choice drinks. The thrill of being approached with a tray full of adorable Frappuccino shots is absolutely splendid.  You build  certain appreciation for those kind baristas who include you in the Starbs process. They’re really just great people.


3. Study: The Starbucks on campus is one of my favorite study spots. I hate being cooped up in my dorm, isolated from the world. Making a coffee trip adds a good pick-me-up to previously mundane study spots.


2. Social: More than half of my social life is centered on hanging out with friends at coffee shops. Starbucks is a classic, so naturally, we’re there a lot.


1. Caffeine: The most important reason, the epitome of college life-forces: caffeine. For any morning on your way to class or late night of studying-Starbs has you covered. It is the place to go for all your coffee needs.


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