10 Reasons Why Choosing the University of Iowa Was the Best Decision I’ve Ever Made

My entire life I was told to go to college, find what I love, and make enough money to feel comfortable. So when it came time for me to start looking at colleges (aka. my sophomore year of high school) all the pressure seemed to be on me. At that point in life I still didn’t know what I wanted to do, I thought about being a computer or software engineer but I still thought college was in the distant future. Little did I know that I would fall in love with Chemical Engineering and the University of Iowa in just one short year. Let me tell you why the University of Iowa was the right choice for me then and still is today.

10 .It felt like home when I stepped onto campus, and it still does to this day.


When I visited during my junior year of high school, I honestly came just to appease my mother by checking out the closest school to home. But as soon as I stepped into the IMU I knew this was the place for me. I could picture myself studying in certain places on campus, what my dorm room would look like, and what clubs I would join, it was kinda like my future flashed before my eyes. Now I’m here living at my dream college, my plans may have changed a little bit, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that I know I was meant to be here. Even when I’m home-home with my family, I feel like I’m not actually home and that I should be in Iowa City, IC has definitely become my home.


9. It offers so many opportunities, it’s impossible to do everything you want to do. 

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It’s not a bad thing! There are nearly 500 student-run organizations, TONS of different activities every day to do on campus, intramural sports… It’s a never ending list of things to do other than your homework. But still, you should be doing your homework if you want to succeed at the U of I, it’s not all fun and games, academics is still a huge priority!


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