The Ultimate F*ckboy Defined By College Girls (2)

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So you end up cutting ties with your current boy toy. This is when things become a bit tricky. UFB definitely wants to see you; actually he may make a grand gesture to come see you late at night at your old hookup spot. Either way you are together and you can see yourself actually being with the UFB again because, how amazing would it be that you guys reconnected somehow and lived in a fairytale. Well he actually starts to entertain this fairytale with you, like it actually sounds plausible. Then you get reminded there is a person in the way of you two being together- the boytoy.

SEE ALSO: What A F*ckGirl Actually Is Defined By A College Girl

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There are many ways to go about this situation. I personally cut ties with the UFB for my boyfriend. But within days I thought I made a mistake so I broke my perfect boyfriend’s heart in hopes of reconciling a friendship with my UFB. But of course the UFB will not be happy you broke ties in the first place to save your relationship that was ‘bound to end.’ Now you and UFB are nowhere near friends- you’re given the silent treatment and he may even go back to one of his crazy exes for a little show, you are guilt tripped and are finally deciding to give up. But that one single girls night out changes your mind- you want UFB back in your life and about 5 texts, two phone calls, one indecipherable voicemail, and dozens of snaps later you realize you’re absolutely crazy and need to cut ties for your own sanity.

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If your ego isn’t too bruised at this point you may send an apology text to clear your name but in the end want to block out the UFB. But guess who texts a day later? UFB. He says that he’s so sorry and doesn’t want to lose you again. You guys talk it out and make happy plans to meet up. These are very well thought out fool proof plans- like who could fuck them up? UFB does, he says right when you’re about to leave your apartment- after your hour long shower and fretting over the perfect contour- he says he can’t tonight. Or as a matter of fact not anytime soon; he’s too busy, his pet goldfish died, whatever it ends up being- it is complete bullshit. So of course you feel horrible for him and say you’ll be there no matter what because you’re that great of a friend, and trust me that is all you’ll ever be- a great friend.

So if I could pass on any advice- the one night stand, the guy who only texts you on the weekends, the one who tells you straight up he’s a fuckboy- they’re completely harmless. The real problem is the Ultimate Fuckboy- disguised as your best friend. So ladies remember chase nothing but your dreams and drinks, never silly boys.

SEE ALSO: What A F*ckGirl Actually Is Defined By A College Girl


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