10 Reasons Why She’s Not Texting You Back (2)

5. You are over complimentary

 You’ve done it before don’t lie. “Oh Becky, you are so beautiful!” “I mean really, you are just so perfect, like one in a million” “WOW, you are gorgeous!” Geez!!! Pull it together, a girl loves a compliment, but too much is definitely off putting. She’ll probably just assume you wanna get in her pants.


4. WAY too many questions

I know in middle school it was fun to play the question game, but grow up, you don’t need to know every single thing about her in 10 minutes. She is not a suspect in a crime, stop interrogating her.


3. She’s with her boyfriend

You are the other man. Embrace it. Not much you can do here bud.


2. You are too inappropriate

Okay dude, she gets it, you want to bang her. But seriously, turn it down a bit, your starting to creep her out


1. She’s just no that into you

 Sorry to burst your bubble, but she just doesn’t like you. You’re creepy, weird, hard to talk to, or hard to look at. Which ever it is really isn’t the issue, just forget about her dude, she’s no that into you.


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