10 Reasons You Hate Going Out (5)

2. It’s Freaking Cold
For the majority of the school year, it is warmer inside that it is outside. This makes the idea of leaving the house very daunting, especially after the sun goes down. All of your cute clothes are skimpy, the bars are hot and you don’t want to look after a coat all night so your only choice is to freeze your patootie off. You honestly don’t understand how people can’t still enjoy going out in the dead of winter.
1. You’re Broke as Hell
You ran out of spending money three weeks ago and going out costs a minimum $30 a night. If you go out Friday and Saturday, that’s $60 and you just can’t swing it. It would be so much easier to grab a $6 bottle of wine and watch the 15th ABC Family Harry Potter marathon of the year.

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