10 Signs You’re Not Good at Giving Advice (2)

8. You say things that are cliche or overused. You’ll often find yourself saying things like “it’ll get better over time” or “just take it one step at a time”. These pieces of advice, and many others, are so common that it’s not something people really want to hear anymore. They already know that things will get better over time, but they want you to help them get over the situation right now.


7. You don’t look at the situation from both sides. Your friend will tell you about a boy or girl they’re having problems with and the first thing you do is blame the person that hurt your friend. You don’t want to immediately tell your friend that they were right in the situation, because that’s not always true, but you have to look at both sides of the story. Immediately picking a side could end up just riling that person up more instead of helping them.



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