10 Terrifying Facts About Entering Your Last Semester Of College

We have almost done it! There is just one semester standing between you and that diploma. If this was a movie there would be a fabulous job waiting for you after you walk across that stage, you’d find a cute new apartment, and have a great balance of being at the office and a night out on the town. Sorry to break it to you, but for most of us this isn’t a movie and there is a lot to get in order in a small amount of time. Even after four years of school and independence, we still have no idea what we are doing.  So if you are not a senior, when you see one give them a pat on the back, they probably need it since one of the follow things is scaring the shit out of them.

10. Student Loans- It’s closing in on you and after graduation there is only a small window that keeps you from the student debt monster. Payments are going to be coming out of your bank account any time now and guess what, you’re still broke af.


9. The Departure- Last semester means the last time living on top of your best friends, seeing that cute barista every morning, and having multiple party houses to chose from. So take it all in when you can because the routine you’ve had for 4 years is going bye-bye.


8. No Job Lined Up- It starts slowly and then all at once. Classmate after classmate have started to announced that they have landed a job and have it all set up for after graduation. After the first announcement you’re still fine, they are just an over achiever, but after the tenth it’s time to panic.


7. No Internship Lined Up- So you missed the job train, that’s okay! Now you can just find a paid internship and prove yourself to hopefully be hired full time at the end. Just remember if you miss the internship train as well, you’ll be living in your mom’s basement forever.


6. Hidden Degree Requirements- So you’ve chosen your classes, you have an easy schedule, this semester is going to be cake, and then you get the dreaded email that you haven’t filled all your requirements. Now you have to play this back and forth game to find that one little class to fit in your schedule and meet your last “Fine Arts” credit. Because God forbid you graduate without knowing how to draw a sphere.




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