10 Things I Will Do in 2016 at The University of Alabama

My first semester at college didn’t go as I expected, so for my 2016 New Year’s resolution, I told myself what I could do that would help me have a better experience. So, here’s a list of things I plan on doing this year at The University of Alabama.

10. Attending more sports events. I didn’t go to no football games last year, and other than the 2 basketball game I went to, I haven’t gone to any sport related events last year.


9. Get out of my dorm. I tend to stay in more dorm throughout most of the week. Sometimes after my class would end I would come back to my room and sit for 15 minutes and go back out to my next class. Honestly, that would make me rush to class or end up late so for now I need to stay out of my room. At least more than I did last year.


8. Change my attitude. During some situations I HATE going to class, and even sometimes hate being here at the school. I need to stop thinking about the negative of every situations here and find the positive in things in 2016.


7. Try new things. I need to start finding new ways to get around, new places to eat since I’m on a diet and even find new ways to study this year. It will probably improve a lot of things I do in 2016 as well.


6. Be sociable. I must admit I don’t talk much, but I plan to change that . I’m not sure how, but I plan on figuring it out soon (or before 2016 is over)



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