10 Thoughts When You’re Running Low on Your Meal Plan (2)

5. I’ll just mooch off of my friends that have tons of money left. If your friends are willing to help you out, then go for it. But also don’t be that annoying person that only eats when other people feed them. That’s just not cool.


4. Maybe I can convince my parents to reload my card… Just give your parents the sweetest look you can muster and hope that they’ll be willing to help you out. The worst that could happen is they say no and the best that could happen is they pay for your food like they used to when you were a kid.


3. I should just stop eating ____ because it’s super expensive. Again, don’t compromise your love for food over something this simple. If you love sushi, then eat sushi. You shouldn’t have to give up something you love because of a sucky situation.


2. LOL, I could never stop eating ____. I’m glad you came to your senses because you should never have to give up something you love. You deserve al the sweet treats in the world.


1. I give up. Giving up can go either way. You can either give up and just roll with what you got or you can give up and boycott eating for a while (lol good luck with that one). Either way, you just give up.


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