10 Thoughts You Have When Your Friend is Hooking Up With a Random (5)

2.) You’re never doing that again

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Evaluating your friend’s experience, good or bad, you make the decision for them that they’re never doing this again. All the nail biting and staring at your phone screen waiting for a response was so not worth their night of fun. Your friend will most likely not listen to you, but who cares, you put your foot down anyways.

1.) Oooh, swipe them right!

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You see a hunk appear on their tinder a little while after your conversation winds down. You completely forget about what just happened maybe a couple hours/days/weeks ago and you enthusiastically tell them to swipe that stud muffin right and patiently await a match. This also applies to going out and seeing a cutie and encouraging your friend to go get em’, Tiger. Most likely the whole process starts all over again and you’re back to thought #10.

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