10 Types Of Students That Piss Me Off (4)

4.) Extreme Slackers

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Don’t get it twisted, everyone in college is a slacker to some extent, but students like these treat it like a sport. They know that they (or their parents if they’re lucky) are paying thousands of dollars into their education, but they still insist on being the poster child for the IDGAF brand if there was one. These are also the students that turn you into the annoying kid with your Dracula shoulder putting your entire arm over your paper because you can’t afford to get kicked out of school for cheating.

3.) Rude Judes

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You know when you’re walking in or out of a building and you see someone in front of you open the door, glance back enough to see you, then decide not to hold the door open? Those types of people ignite a fire in my heart so hot it could burn the sun. You saw me, knew you could hold the door open, then decided to not hold the door and piss me off for however long I want to dwell on you. Seconds, minutes, hours, who knows, either way I’m mad. This happens more on campus than anywhere I’ve seen in public and these students can go fail all their finals for all I care because you don’t deserve to be here on this Earth you compassionless poop. Okay, maybe you deserve to be here, but you still piss me off.up-next-page

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