10 Ways to Handle Your Final Projects/Papers (2)

5. Make a schedule- What can you do each day based on your class/activity schedule? Estimate how long each assignment will take and schedule in your breaks and meals too. Then you know you can get everything done in time and feel more at ease.

4. Call your parents- They can give you that little pep talk you need to get you through the day or week. Even if you’re not missing home, just talking to someone can make your day a little better.

3. Ask others for help- If you’re stuck on something do not waste hours staring at the screen, or putting it off until later. Ask a friend for a second opinion, go to the writing center, or ask a classmate a question on the assignment. Do not let whatever it is stopping you from finishing become bigger than it needs to be.

2. It’s not the end of the world- Don’t forget that you’re allowed to not do as well as you thought you would. Strive to do your best, but forgive yourself if you watch an extra episode of Grey’s Anatomy instead of proofreading that paper.

1. Motivate yourself- Just remember that soon enough you’ll be in your nice comfy bed at home with no schoolwork to worry about. Keep that motivation in the back of your head when it feels like it’s going to explode.

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