10 Ways to Survive a Bad Professor (2)

5) Find something to laugh about. Count the amount of times the professor says “um” or hone in on a weird quirk of theirs. It will make him/her seem more human.
4) Be polite. Don’t start fights. Stay under the radar.
3) Go to the internet. There are some great sites that can help you learn the material if the professor isn’t helping.
2) Give the professor a bad review. At the end of the semester, many universities give course evaluation forms where you rate the professor’s effectiveness and write any comments you want. The forms are anonymous, and both professors and administration read them. If this isn’t an option, go to the Dean and file a complaint.
1) Breathe. The semester won’t last forever. It’s going to suck for a while, but you will get through it. And warn others so they don’t take that professor either.

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