10 Ways “THE WIZARD OF OZ” prepares you for College (2)

6) Beware Liars


Dating while in college is hard. It’s not a dramatic as high school, but can be if you let it. People are fake and will flirt with you only for the purpose of sleeping with you. It’s sad but true, but there are more pieces of coal than diamonds when it comes to college relationships. I suggest taking things slow, especially while in college. If you aren’t comfortable with anything, or they lie to you about things make sure you discuss it, a healthy relationship stems from mutual trust… remember that. You go Glen Coco… wait… wrong movie.

5) Get to know your Peers


After you finish your general education courses you will go your separate ways from your peers into classes that are degree specific. It is up to you to make friends, and meet new people while you are still with your freshman class. Going away to college will be your first exposure to the real world, try new things! Especially if you came from a small town like me, and the only cultured thing in your town was a corn parade. Make connections with people while you can, and don’t find a best friend, find a great one who will have your back when your confused in life. Always smile, and don’t be afraid to meet someone new. Who they really are versus their appearance may surprise you.

4) Be Smart… Please


People like to ignore the fact that drugs can and will be an issue at more colleges. It is up to you to know how to be strong, and avoid these toxic substances. It’s one drug high really worth your life? Or Education? Or Family? I thought not. People between ages 18 to 24 are at an all time high of abusing drugs and alcohol. If you are currently are abusing these substances seek help with a 100% confidential call to the Alcohol and Drug Addition Helpline: (888) 413-9976


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