10 Ways to Survive Living With A Crappy Roommate (4)

2. Trial Bond – Often times people are so different that they don’t even give each other a chance. Try some “trial bonding” with your roommate. Pick out a day once a week where you guys hang out with just the two of you or go on a little date. This will force you to get to know each other, as awkward as it may start out to be. Maybe you guys will learn you have some things in common and your roommate is actually not all that bad.


1. Be a Crappy Roommate – If there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to make things work out, be a crappy roommate. Be as loud, nasty, annoying, and disruptive as you can possibly be. Not only will you be giving them a sip of their own medicine, but if you’re lucky eventually you’re roommate will crack and move out. Now you’ve got the room to yourself!



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