11 Seasons You Get When You Go To School in Pittsburgh (3)

5. Frozen Beards/Leg Hair: There’s not really a transition period between fall and winter. It’s like Elsa visits us overnight, and then there’s so much ice on the sidewalks, sideways snow, and Jack Frost nipping at your toes…nose? And don’t forget the guys who forget to cover their beards and end up with icicles. The hardest part is, this lasts for 3-4 months.

4. Spring Break in December: Sometimes there’s random weeks in December where it’s 70 degrees for a few days. The squirrels wake up from their hibernation like us college kids do for 8ams, and the dreaded pigeons come back for a little bit. Everyone looks happy and alive again!

3. Put-The-Shorts-Away-Please: It’s probably around late March/early April when brave souls decide that it is warm enough for summer clothes while the sane ones are still wearing their heaviest jackets. Or are they insane? Either way, everyone is sick of winter at this point. Heck, some people are sick of winter before it even starts.

2. Sundress Season: Everyone’s favorite time of year, right? You can either look cute or just look. And appreciate. Also, if you can find a dress with pockets you are truly a special and amazing human being, and you are required to share your secrets.

1. Umbrella season: Oh, who are we kidding, that’s year-round.

The most important thing to remember is layers, because sometimes you can cycle through all the seasons in one day and that’s always fun. Hence, the wardrobe required when living in Pittsburgh is simply enormous. With 11 seasons, which is more than most TV shows, it’s hard, but it’s worth it to be in the best city.

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