11 Things You Know from Being in a Group Friendship (2)

6. Your parents groan when you ask if they can come over.

Even if your parents love your friends, they know that your friends with be loud, eat all the food, and probably break something accidentally in the process.

5. Everyone plays a role.

Some play the mother role, while others play the slutty friend role. Some will bring you down to earth and remind you to be responsible, while others never fail to make you laugh. Everyone brings something to the table, like a family dynamic.

4. No one understands the inside jokes.

When you’re all laughing and screaming over old memories, other people tend to get really confused really fast.

3. You don’t really get sick of each other.

One person is on your nerves? In group friendships, you have the luxury of hanging out with someone else until you aren’t annoyed anymore. You’re never constantly surrounded by one person until you hate them.

2. Everyone knows everything.

There’s no such thing as secrets in friendships like these. When one person knows something, we ALL know something.

1. You love them all like family.

Even though there are so many of you, you love them all just the same. You always have someone to turn to, someone to annoy you, and someone to make you laugh. You wouldn’t trade them for anything.

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