11 Things the University of Pittsburgh Needs to Add to Their Campus (2)

7. An on-campus stadium: Pitt moved to playing at Heinz Field since 2001 and because of that, attendance has dropped – probably because we play across the river now and it’s kind of far from campus, honestly. Those empty yellow seats are so sad. Hey, we can put it in Panther Hollow, right?

6. Tunnels for winter: It gets icy out here and they don’t salt the sidewalks until after some classes have already started…we need those tunnels to go between classes. Plus we can avoid the wind, snow, and boys can wear shorts in the winter and not look insane, unlike now.

5. A T stop: The “subway” system in Pittsburgh is really more of a slow trolley that they call “the T”. It’s an easy way to get downtown, to Station Square, and some suburbs. However, there is no stop in Oakland so we definitely need one!



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