11 Ways To Have The Best Recruitment Possible: Appstate Edition (4)

2. An open mind is key

You’ll hear this a thousand times from your Rho and from PHC but it’s by far the most important piece of advice I, or anyone else, can give. You may have an idea of who you like, but don’t be shocked if you change your mind. You may have talked to someone in a group who just didn’t click with you, or maybe you weren’t being as open with them as you could have. Every girl in those rooms have put in dozens of hours of practice time and preparation to make your experience and theirs as amazing as possible. If you go into a round, even if you don’t think that house is for you, act as if they’re the one you’re in love with. Word gets around if a PNM is rude or closed off during recruitment and it may cause you to get dropped by the one you really love.


You may lose all the groups you feel like you clicked with, but before you make that decision to drop, give the ones you have left a chance. Maybe you were discounting them before because you had already made up your mind (see #2) but remember, you paid to go through recruitment. You put in the hours and the stress. You deserve to find a home with a group that loves you. On bid day you may open your bid envelope to discover you didn’t get the bid from the group you thought you would, but that’s ok. GO TO BID DAY. Meet your new sisters, remember that you can always drop after bid day if it really isn’t for you. These girls are giving you a chance, you need to give them one too.

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