12 Ways Communication(s) Majors are Superior (3)

6. You Don’t Need a Master’s
You can get paid as much as someone with a master’s degree by using those extra years to gain experience. This field values experience over education, so don’t worry about being in even more debt from tuition. This, of course, depends on the type of job you are looking to get. However, there will most likely be opportunities you can snatch up right after you graduate with a bachelor’s degree (depending on the job market where you are.)
 5. Never Goes Out of Style
Communication will always be a part of human existence and it is always changing. New technology is always being developed, and with it, new forms of communication. The world is becoming smaller because of these new forms of communication, and comm majors will be the ones making connections with those around the world.
 4. Communication is Universal
I know what you’re thinking: “it is not universal, everyone speaks a different language.” Well yes, that is true. However, if you are able to break though the language barrier, there is nothing else stopping you. Comm majors have learned the communication norms of most cultures and are therefore much more prepared to work with people from those cultures. They know how to act, use manners, go about a business meeting, and even ride a bus in a different culture.

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