12 Ways To Fight Insecurity (4)

3. Know that insecurity is invisible- Nobody can see your insecurity or know you have it, unless you tell them or express it in an obvious way. Sure, people can tell if you’re nervous; but not insecure. Stop letting something SO invisible lock you in. No one will ever judge you for being insecure, because they will never even know.

2. Change your mindset- Take a breather and take a step back. Your mind is overwhelming you, but not much of it has to do with reality. Your fears, problems, and anxieties are getting the best of you. DON’T LET THEM! Stop focusing on the negative side of things, make your imagination fight that insecurity and focus on what in your mind will stop it.

1. Treat yo-self!- It’s totally OKAY to spoil yourself for a change! Go update your wardrobe, do something fun with friends, treat yourself to dinner and a drink!

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