13 Signs That He’s Probably A F**kboy (2)

8. He throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get his way.

If his anger issues force him to tears, it’s probably because he doesn’t get told ‘no’ that often. So definitely say no.

7. He takes hours to text back.

That kind of stuff was cute when you were 14, waiting by the phone and giggling with your friends when he finally responded. The problem begins when he’s 20 and still doing the same thing.

6. He texted you either, “hey cutie,” “Netflix and chill?” or “what u doin”

Don’t kid yourself: he probably copy and pasted any of the above three messages to five other girls in hopes of one of them solving his sexual frustration.

5. And if that fails, he just straight-up asked for nudes.

If he gets to the desperate point of just asking for your half-naked selfies without even hinting, he reached a new level. This is a sure fire sign. Run as fast as you can.next

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