14 New Jersey Stereotypes That Are True (2)

7) When it first came out, we all stayed up to watch the premier of “The Jersey Shore.” We were severely disappointed. And no, we do not know Snooki.


6) The North and South of the state have two completely different accents, and lifestyles. Central Jersey is an odd combination of the two. And there’s definitely a war over which is better.


5) The pork roll vs. Taylor Ham debate is real, and it gets heated. 


4) We are picky about our pizza and our bagels, and we have a right to be. NJ has the best of those two you’ll ever have. 200-11

3) We tend to have thicker skin than the rest of the country. 


2) We’re a loud bunch, but we’re the most fun. 


1) We love our state, even if no one else does. 



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