15 Things You Learn When You Spend a Friday Night In (2)

10. Two bottles of wine to yourself, no problem.


9. Going to sleep early makes you feel rejuvenated. Falling asleep at ten and waking up around nine or ten is marvelous. You’re a whole new person.


8. You shaved your legs for nothing. You shaved your legs on a Thursday night to get ready for your weekend of hanging out and cute outfits just to sit in your apartment by yourself. Cooooooool.


7. What you want for your birthday. With a long time left to go, you’ve already picked out your gift and sent it to your parents. Get ready to get bitched at a little for already sending your requests. You can say, “sorry! I really had nothing else to do,”


6. There is a lot more to clean in your apartment then you thought there was. After a couple hours you’ve dusted your shelves, re-organized your closet and did all your roommates dishes.



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