17 Reasons Why the Arts Deserve Just As Much Attention As Sports

6. All Extracurriculars are Equal

This should go without saying, but nobody’s passions are more or less important than another’s (you know, assuming those passions aren’t for abusing puppies or eating babies or anything Game of Thrones worthy). In terms of student participation, it makes some sense when incredibly small clubs get less funding than, say, a fully loaded football team – I had to accept that pretty quick in as president of Model UN – but when generally well-populated groups like drama or choir are left in the dust, something needs to change. When clubs are underfunded, quality and involvement frequently drops, leading to more cuts in funding, leading to even worse quality, and so on. The arts bring joy to students that is just as valid as the joy of science kids who get new microscopes for the labs or basketball players who get new balls.

art bob ross the joy of painting

7. Can Help Students Find the Perfect Major in College

There are a million majors available in colleges that stem directly from student involvement in arts programs. Band kid? Try a major in “Film Scoring” at Berkelee. Art fanatic? “Painting,” “Photography,” “Sculpture,” and more are waiting for you at RISD. Love public speaking? How about “Communication Studies” at Emerson College? And this isn’t even including related (and slightly more parent-favored) majors in fields like marketing, production, and therapy. Not many extracurriculars steer students into majors that perfectly match their passions, so let’s not beat down the few that do.

8. The Wide Range of Interests Involved Affects Just About Everyone

When funding for “the arts” and “art education” is cut in schools, it’s not just one class or program. That’s cutting out support for music education (instrumental, vocal, appreciative, compositional, etc.), art education (painting, drawing, computer design, etc.), theatre programs (performing and technical/behind the scenes), creative writing pursuits (journalism, scriptwriting, poetry, etc.), and more. You’re not hurting a handful of kids and teachers, you’re devastating a school.

9. Yes, it’s ALSO physical exercise

Several of the arts involve physical exercise, such as marching band or dance. So to all those people who argue that these programs don’t offer any physical benefits and therefore don’t deserve any love? Go screw yourself.

happy dance dancing beyonce snl

10. It’s Not Just About Winning

 These programs prize more than winning and getting awards; in the arts, it’s about personal improvement and self-satisfaction. What matters isn’t how many people compliment your landscape snapshots or your new piano composition, but how happy you are with your work. Of course, that’s not to say you can’t go the competition route – just that it isn’t required, meaning the pressure of having to win can take a backseat to skill development and personal enjoyment.

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