19 Things 90s College Students Understand That We Never Have to Experience (3)

9. At least you could always leave messages on your friends’ white boards though.

At least you could always leave messages on your friends' white boards though.

Every once in a while they were even important!

8. Sometimes, the best thing to do was wander from party to party looking for your friends.

Sometimes, the best thing to do was wander from party to party looking for your friends.

It was always fun when you met some new ones along the way too!

7. Flyers were the best way to advertise a party.

Flyers were the best way to advertise a party.

The more outrageous the flyer, the more off the chain the party would be.

6. Fake IDs were STUPID easy to obtain.

Fake IDs were STUPID easy to obtain.

Anyone with a camera, a printer and a laminating machine could pull it off.

5. You know what THIS is and what it’s for.

You know what THIS is and what it's for.

Hint: It’s a zip disk reader, and you needed one for those super big projects (we’re talking megabytes here kids).


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