19 Things 90s College Students Understand That We Never Have to Experience (4)

4. Gigantic Logos

There was no such thing as tacky in the 90s. The bigger the logo the better. And, the more logos at once was perfection!

3. Blockbuster VHS Tapes


Sadly , too few of you know what’s going on on this image. :)

2. ’90s Slang


not many people still drop ’90s vernacular on the regular. What’s a girl gotta do to get “Oh, snap,” “talk to the hand,” “as if,” and “my bad” back into circulation? C’mon, admit it — ’90s slang was all that and a bag of chips.

1. You either LOVED hacky sack, or you hated everyone who even touched one.

You either LOVED hacky sack, or you hated everyone who even touched one.

There was no middle ground.

THANK YOU 90’s !


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