20 Cardinal Rules Of Life (2)

14. Think before you speak. If you don’t have anything nice to say, then what’s the point of saying it? I’m not encouraging you to lie, but somethings are not meant to be said. Never tell someone that they are fat, because they might be struggling with an eating disorder caused by something greater in their life, never tell someone that they are ugly because that only make you look like the one that’s ugly, and never tell someone that they are not good enough because who are you to tell them what they are not.

13. Follow your heart, until your brain is really the one looking out for you. No one’s decision is better than your own. Live your life in the moment, just be wise about your choices you make. Choosing between the two, your heart and brain will really confuse you more than a couple times. I promise though, in the end you’ll be glad you too both into consideration.

12. Sing when you feel like singing because voices are meant to be heard, and dance like nobody’s watching because that’s how our bodies should move. Basically, by this I mean, be yourself! Have confidence and love who are because who better to be than yourself? People are gonna judge, that’s just how it is. Accept that and always accept yourself!

11. Always say “I love you”, because there is no other word that can compare to the meaning of love. If you love someone, stop holding it in. It’s best to just let them know how you feel because if they never know, how will you ever find out if they feel the same way back. The meaning comes in so many other sentences and questions, it doesn’t always have to be those exact three words.

10. Forget those who did you wrong, because they definitely forgot about you. Don’t even stress about them because they have proved to you that they don’t care about you. So, don’t put your time and effort remembering what it is that they did to you. Learn to let go and forgive, don’t let heartless people keep a spot in your heart. And plus, when you’re worried about pointless stuff, you get those little worry wrinkles under your eyes.


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