20 Cardinal Rules Of Life (3)

9. Forgive those who hurt you, because you’re only hurting yourself at this point. This is hard to comprehend, but if someone hurt you so bad that it changed who you were in the process, then it was meant to happen that way for a reason. Everyone comes into your life for a reason, so even if they turned out to be a shitty person. Find the good in what they’ve done to you. Stop giving this person so much hatred because of the way they made you feel. You need to forgive and forget. Once you forgive, forgetting becomes easier.

8. Find yourself. Stop following the crowd and make your own path in life because your path is the only way to where you want to go in life. Think for yourself, because you are smarter than everyone else when it comes to what you need and what you want. Stop letting them be such a big influence in your decisions and make your own life.

7. Speak up, don’t keep anything bottled inside Unless ya know “Don’t say anything if you don’t have anything nice to say” Rule comes into play. Ask questions, ask them all! Because there is no such thing as a stupid or crazy question. You’ll never find the answers you’re looking for if you keep all the questions inside your head.

6. Remember the good times, because bad times will only give you bad vibes. Take the sad music off and turn on some gangsta rap, and dance like you’re in some hip hop video. Yes you’re gonna have bad days where all you wanna do is curl up in bed and disappear, and that’s okay. You’re human! Take a breather and put on your big girl/boy pants on.


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